Panzer Glass Screen Protector - iPhone 14 Pro

Protect your phone from the hazards of everyday life with a PanzerGlass™ screen protector. 

Ultra-Wide Fit|Scratch resistant = Protects your device from scratching caused by the hazards of everyday life.
Shock resistant = Keeps your device safe from your everyday fumbling, dropping and screen cracking.
Easy installation = So easy to install you can do it even if you’re all thumbs.
Longer lifespan
Incl. EasyAligner
Diamond strength - strongest = Diamond strength is a device’s best friend – and our absolute strongest glass.
Antibacterial = Proven to kill up to 99.99% of all common surface bacteria in accordance with ISO 22196 and JIS Z 2801.
Fingerprint resistant = Repels oil and water, reducing traces of fingerprints as well as dirt, disinfectant gel and hand lotion.

$60 —

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